A Winter Weekend in Paris Wishlist
Lots of exciting things are happening this week, I was nominated for a Uk Blog award (I’d love your vote if you don’t mind), and on Friday I’m going back to Paris. I’m so excited for this that I’ve been planning a Paris wishlist since September. It’s my 30th birthday present from Kieran and we will be there for the whole weekend. I’ve been a few times before, but never at this time of year and I can’t wait to see how different it is. I’ve only ever been in Spring when the blossom is everywhere and you can wander round in the warmth, so I’m really looking forward to wrapping up and it being all wintery and Christmassy.
Kieran hasn’t been before so he wants to see a lot of the sights. It’s one of my favourite places in the whole world so I don’t mind seeing them all again and I get to play tour guide. I don’t think I could ever get tired of the Paris sights, and I’m being rather ridiculous every time I think about it and get all flustered about how BEYOND excited I actually am. Having said that we probably aren’t going to have time to see everything. I keep seeing blogs and French Instagram accounts and Pinterest pins that the wishlist just keeps growing, but I’m trying to narrow it down to a reasonable amount of main sights and cute little quirky stuff that will make me die a little bit inside when I see how pretty they are in real life. There’s still some gaps so any recommendations welcome!
Restaurants and Cafes
I’ve only been here once and to be honest I can’t really remember it. I think it was quite a long time ago and after a full day of walking around. I plan to go feeling a lot fresher this time. For some reason I have in mind that it’s like a French version of Betty’s? If you’ve tried anything specific off the menu let me know, I know I’ll be spoilt for choice.
This has been on my Paris wishlist for quite a while, ever since I found out it existed basically. The menu looks a bit pricey but you know ‘when in Paris’. The little outdoor courtyard looks incredible, and eating outside year round is one of my favourite things in the French capital. I can already see myself wrapped up at one of the little tables, with a Ralph’s burger to tuck in to. When I rang up to see if you could book they also kept bellowing ‘NO children’ down the phone. Suits me.

Image Source. Ralph’s Restaurant.
Dinner restaurant?
I’ve got a dinner reservation at a little French restaurant that I’ve been to before on the Saturday night, called Flutes, but currently have nothing planned for the Friday. I looked at the Moulin Rouge dinner show, but I’ve heard the food isn’t that great and it’s pricey enough for the show. Also, I’m not sure if we will be too hungry after eating at Ralph’s for lunch.
Can anyone recommend anywhere fairly casual? We are staying in the 8th Arr. so ideally not too far away. I’m already worrying about ordering, whenever I’ve been before I make my sister order literally everything for me. If there is one place that makes me feel guilty that I don’t speak the language it is Paris.
Paris Wishlist – Tourist Sights
Notre Dame
Always an absolute gem of a tourist attraction. The area is beautiful, the cathedral is so impressive and I love the little bridges and street artists by the river. I really love it in Spring with all the pink, so can’t wait to see what it looks like in winter.
Arc de Triomphe
One of the most mental places in all of Paris the ring road around it is like a death trap. No lanes, cars and mopeds flying all over, but I’ve heard the view from the top is rather special. I’ve never done that either so that is definitely on the list. I’m not really a fan of the Champs Elysees but apparently there are Christmas markets the whole way up it, so my opinion may change.
Eiffel Tower
Totally struggling with if I want to go up it or not. I’ve never been right to the top as my legs went to jelly at the lower platform. I think it might be just too much of a chew on really, all the crowds and queues. I love seeing it sparkling at night though, and the walk along past Concorde never disappoints.
I plan to spend most of Sunday up there, again I love it for all the street artists and the picture perfect cafes that are IDEAL for people watching. I’ve never ventured too far in amongst the streets though, but I have a few of them bookmarked for a visit. The view from the steps of Sacre court is one I can’t really miss on any trip to Paris. And the merry go round. And the famous steps down.
Paris Wishlist – Shopping
Shakespeare & Company book shop
I’ve got my sister to thank for dragging me to this shop the last time we were there. I don’t really read books but I do enjoy a good coffee table photo book. It’s a tiny little but world famous shop near Notre Dame and it would be criminal not to buy something from it.
Obviously traditionally and typically touristy Paris, but they’re so cute especially in the little pastel coloured boxes. The window displays were very impressive at Easter time so I’m looking forward to seeing the Christmas one.
It says a lot about a shop when it has a bouncer on the door, and a red carpet and gold rope outside for the queue as they only let so many people in at once. I will be paying a visit.
Paris Wishlist – Museums
I don’t plan to actually go in to any museums, I’ve seen the Mona Lisa before and its completely underwhelming. I can’t imagine Kieran will be fussed either, but I know he wants to see the Louvre pyramids, and it’s a lovely walk through the Tuileries gardens and fountains so we will definitely do that.
I think that’s more than enough to be getting on with for a long weekend, but if you have any absolute must see’s, or amazing little gems then please do send them my way.
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Since this post was published I have been to Paris, here’s our 3 day itinerary! See how many I ticked off the wishlist.
*all images are mine except for ‘Ralph’s’