I’m quite excited for the Black Friday 2021 deals this year, as there’s loads I want! I don’t believe in buying things for the sake of it just because it’s on offer, but I’ve got a list and so far a lot of the things on it are discounted already or are going to be over the coming weekend. I’ll ...
I’ve had a love hate relationship with my skin this summer. For the first half I was so happy with it and was loving the products I was using, but towards the end in recent weeks I had a reaction to washing powder that took aaaages to go, especially off my neck and face. For total transparency ...
Nobody wants to get wrinkles or see their skin age, even though aging is a beautiful thing and a privilege! Of course the process is inevitable but there are some things that we can do now to help slow it from progressing rapidly or continuing on. After the past year I know I feel ...
Everyone and their aunt are currently doing Black Friday gift guides, but I’ve never done one before and I’ve seen some good deals. I’m usually scouring train fares and flight deals, so I suppose the lack of them this year is what has made me pay more attention elsewhere. This is going to cover ...
When it comes to jewellery, on a daily basis I always wear the same pieces. I have quite a big collection of silver, an average amount of rose gold, and I’m pretty light on the gold front. I will occasionally buy the latest trend costume jewellery, usually if I’m standing in line to ...
You know after you’ve had a few days in the sun and all of a sudden your foundation is the completely wrong colour? As someone who tans pretty quickly I learned years ago to prepare for this. I know many have already had summer holidays, but my main one is yet to come. I have however had four ...