For only the second year running Bamburgh Castle on the Northumberland coast has put on a Christmas display like no other in the North East. Transforming their 14 state rooms, the castle now tells the 12 Days of Christmas song through beautiful displays and music designed and created for the ...
Rushing around for some last minute Christmas gifts? I don’t know about you but my weekends and most weekday nights have been filled with socialising after not being able to last year. It’s a good job I was organised with a lot of my Christmas shopping in November, but there are a ...
If there was one place I truly missed last year it was the annual trip to York. A visit to the medieval city at any time of year is a cracking day out, but in December it’s a must to get all the festive vibes, and feel like Christmas is on the way. A popular trip because it’s on the main train ...
Can you remember everything that’s happened in 2021? With rounds on Christmas, as well as popular culture, TV & film, a sort of politics round and sport, there’s hopefully something for everyone. Here’s my 2021 quiz for over Christmas.
Last year I read so many posts on what lockdown taught people, and they were filled with the usual stuff – to appreciate people and what’s on your doorstep, how to bake, how to spend less or more effectively. All great things. This year has been a hard one in many different ways, and a ...
I thoroughly enjoy a limited edition winter cocktail over the festive season, just have a look at some of the ones in my most festive bars in Newcastle post that I shared last week, there are some amazing ones in there. All Bar One have done four chocolate cocktails with Hotel Chocolat and ...