Afternoon Tea Lifestyle

How To Host an Afternoon Tea Party in Your Garden 

With the summer months heating up, the thought of spending time outside is a tantalising prospect. There are so many ways to utilise and enjoy your outdoor space. Tea parties are a great way to host your friends and family for an afternoon of fun.

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A benefit of hosting your own tea party is that you can control a lot of elements you otherwise wouldn’t in formal environments, such as the budget and duration. So, here are some tips for hosting the perfect afternoon tea party in your garden.


The right decorations can set the tone for your evening. If you have decking, you can add some small changes to elevate the area. Bringing out an eclectic mix of tables and chairs can help create a relaxed, informal feel for your afternoon.

Picking a colour scheme or theme can help you create a cohesive look before you start decorating. Bunting is an easy way to add a pop of colour as well as being simple to install. You can always match the colour of the bunting to your tablecloths, which helps to tie all the elements together.

Time flies when you’re having fun, so be prepared for your tea party to stretch into the evening. Festoon lighting helps to add to a cosy atmosphere as well as being practical.


Tea parties are an excuse to make an impact with a spectacular buffet. You can wow your guests with interesting finger sandwich fillings. Traditional fillings such as cucumber and salmon will always be a hit, but you can show off with more unusual fillings such as chicken katsu or chorizo and halloumi.

Sweet treats are as important as savoury ones, so get organised by making or preparing plenty of puddings in advance. Scones are a British classic, just don’t forget the jam and cream!


Afternoon tea is traditionally served with pots of tea, but you can change things up at your tea party. Depending on your guests, you can provide jugs of premade cocktails or mocktails. Pimms is always a good choice, with the chopped-up fruit acting as another snack to nibble on.

Buckets and ice are your friends when it comes to keeping your drinks cold. Fashion some champagne-inspired buckets to keep your cocktail jugs cold. If you have gone for cans and bottles, use a large cooler packed with ice. Both methods allow your guests to serve themselves, freeing you up as the host.

Hosting etiquette 

Offering drinks as self-serve will free up some of your time, as will having a buffet table for food. Making everything your guests’ needs as accessible as possible means you will have lots of time to socialise.

If you are hosting people who are new to your home, you could stick some arrows up pointing to the bathroom and kitchen just in case they need something.