Grow A Kitchen Herb Garden For Fresh Ingredients When Cooking
How many times have you been disappointed because your food didn’t taste as you expected because the ingredients you purchased from the local store weren’t fresh enough? You spent a lot of money on herbs to season your food, but if they didn’t decompose into acrid slime before adding them to your dishes, they had no flavour at all.
You love to use fresh herbs because they add so much to your dishes, so after being disappointed on multiple occasions, you decided to plant some at home. By creating a fresh corner, you not only bring nature into your house but also have fresh seasoning at your disposal. However, planting herbs at home requires some work, and you should be ready to undergo such a long-term project. If you tried and failed before, it’s time to learn more about growing herbs in the kitchen.
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If possible, grow them outdoors
You might think that we started this article by stating that we’ll teach you how to grow herbs in the kitchen, and now we’re mentioning that it would be better to grow them outside. Most herbs prefer fresh air and sun, so it would be best to place them on the window sill or on the balcony, where they can get around six hours of direct sunlight daily. Unless your kitchen lacks windows, chances are you can grow your herbs outdoors partly.
The average home is too dry to grow herbs, so you might want to grow them near the air conditioner to provide them with increased humidity. Be prepared to make some adjustments around the house to create the proper environment for growing them healthy at home.
Figure out how you can source the herbs
After finding the right spot to start a garden at home, you need to review the ways in which you can source the herbs. The easiest way is to buy potted herbs from the local plant nursery and bring them home. You can later move them into larger balcony pots to support their growth or even plant them in the garden when spring comes, if you have one of course.
You can also grow your herbs from seeds. Make a list of the plants you want to grow at home and research which ones germinate easily. You can order the seeds online or purchase them from the local market. Sprinkle them in a pot filled with compost and water them regularly. You can buy pots for your seeds from elho and place them on the kitchen windowsill or on the balcony. You can cover the container with a plastic bag to encourage the seeds to germinate faster. Once they reach adulthood, harvest leaves from the top to encourage the herbs to produce new leaves.
If you don’t have the needed patience to wait for the herbs to grow from seeds, you can always purchase fully-grown plants with ready-to-harvest leaves. However, you should keep in mind that they won’t last long because they’ve already reached adulthood, so you should still consider planting seeds while you enjoy the leaves of the fully grown ones.
What herbs should you grow?
No ingredient makes your food taste better than some home-grown fresh cilantro. And the good part is that the plant is easy to grow at home. You only have to soak the seeds overnight in water and plant them in a pot the next day. Place the container near a window or on the balcony, and sprinkle it daily with water. You’ll be able to pluck the first cilantro leaves within 35-40 days.
Another vital ingredient for food dishes, cocktails, and refreshing drinks. You can grow different kinds of mint, depending on how you intend to use it. Our favourite types are Moroccan mint, ginger mint, and apple mint.
You can grow mint from seeds, but you can also ask your family and friends if they have some roots they want to donate to transplant in one of your pots. Mint is an invasive herb, so it’s best to plant it in its own container. Depending on your preferred type, you might need to opt for a larger one because it grows fast.
Once it reaches adulthood, water it every fortnight to ensure it has strong roots and a beautiful leaves crown. You can move it outdoors and transplant it in the garden when the summer comes.
Thyme is an herb from the family of mint and can be added to several dishes and drinks, thanks to its versatile flavour. You need to plant it in fast-draining soil and keep it close to the window because it loves sunny and warm places. If you grow it from seeds, it needs a couple of months to reach adulthood so you can harvest it. It would help if you had a knife to harvest its leaves without damaging the plant. Thyme’s blossoms are also edible and you can stir them into numerous dishes and drinks.
Oregano and marjoram
These herbs originate from the Mediterranean area and work best with fresh dishes. They are perennial plants that prefer sunny areas and reach over 80 cm. You can grow oregano and marjoram from seeds and plant them in a tiny pot because they don’t need too much space. They need 20°C to germinate, and you’ll start seeing the first plants around three weeks. You can transplant some baby plants to another planter when the herbs reach adulthood to give them more room to grow their roots. You can harvest the top shots when the plants reach over 10cm.
You will prize lavender for its smell and the flavour it brings to your dishes and drinks. The plant survives in almost any growing environment but will thrive if it gets over 4 hours of direct sunlight. Prune the flowers and branches to encourage the lavender plant to grow. Besides being used in numerous drinks and dishes and making your kitchen smell good, lavender is also great for soothing insect bites.