The Liebster Award 2016
The Liebster Award is an online only award that bloggers have used to recognise their own favourite blogs since 2011. Throughout 2016 bloggers have been nominating their chosen blogs as a way to acknowledge them, connect and support the blogging community as a whole. Considering I’ve only been seriously doing this since the summer I’m really chuffed to be nominated!
I have been given the Liebster award by Diana and Hope, the two lovely ladies behind MVMT – Travel Often Blog. They aim to provide travel inspiration for those who need to make the most of their annual leave, but also how to make the most of each day at a destination through their ’24 hours in…’ series. I’ve saved their 24 hours in Budapest, and 24 hours in Vienna as favourites, both cities I really want to tick off the list next year! From a practical perspective take a look at their tips category, but don’t miss their Instagram for pure inspiration!
Questions I’ve been asked by MVMT Blog
Why did you decide to become a travel blogger?
I really don’t see myself as a ‘Travel Blogger’ in the sense that most travel bloggers are! I’m not jetting off every week to somewhere new and exotic and I’m no expert on every place I’ve been to. I just really love going to new places and taking photos so thought I might as well share my experiences. I want to make sure my holiday from work is used well, whether that is abroad or closer to home. People started asking me questions about my trips so I started answering them here.
Is blogging your full time job, or do you work a full time job on the side?
I’ve recently started to make a bit from blogging, and have been offered some really exciting opportunities for next year but it is currently far from my full time job. I work in social media for a travel company though, so it’s pretty similar!
What is the most scenic destination you’ve traveled to?
Before this year I would have said any of the Greek islands, but after visiting Tulum, Mexico this year I think that has to be it. It was totally different to what I expect Cancun would be like, it was very remote, untouched, and with the turquoise sea on one side and the wild jungle on the other it was absolutely beautiful.

Xel-Ha, Tulum Mexico
Where did you receive your biggest cultural shock?
Vegas. The place is nuts and you can’t help but get carried away and drawn into it. Despite obviously being modern in a lot of respects, it’s like nowhere I’ve ever been to it’s a world of its own.
Do you speak any foreign languages? Which ones?
I can’t speak any, I can understand quite a bit of French but don’t have the confidence to speak it myself. My sister is fluent though so that helps on family holidays!
What is your biggest travel fail moment?
I’m pleased to say I haven’t had too many, as I research a place a ridiculous amount before I go to avoid any disasters. But I did force Kieran to come with me to a brasserie in Amsterdam the last time we were there and even though it was so posh, and immaculate service the food was awful and completely overpriced. He was starving afterwards and we should have just got something cheap and cheerful somewhere with an atmosphere. As far as travel fails go that’s really not too bad is it.
Do you prefer staying in hotels, hostels, airbnb, couchsurfing, or something else?
I definitely prefer hotels, and the nicer the better! I’d rather spend more on a hotel than anything else on holiday, but I’ve had some great times in villas and apartments especially with more people involved. I tried airbnb for the first time this year and had a really good experience so will definitely do that again in future.

Ambassade Amsterdam
What’s the most bizarre food you’ve eaten while traveling?
Periwinkles. I love seafood and this seafood platter below was amazing. But I couldn’t handle the periwinkles. Picking them out of the shell with a pin and basically having a black slug on the end of it to eat raw was too much even for me.
What is your best advice for traveling on a budget?
I think just have in mind what you want to do and the cost of it before you go, if you know its going to cost more then save for it. My problem is I usually want to do everything and then get carried away, so I try to plan ahead for this or leave some things for a return visit. I’d rather do things properly than half-arsed. The actual travel itself is usually where I would rather go cheap, even if it means flight times aren’t as good, save your money for when you’re there.
Where are you off to next?
I have a weekend in London planned, a spa weekend and I think Rome in April. My sister is moving to Philadelphia and I thought about going over there but I think that will be later in the year. I’ll be booking somewhere hot for the summer in January though!
Thanks again to Diana and Hope for the nomination. In turn I’m passing the Liebster award on to some of my favourite travel blogs and photographers that I’ve been reading or discovered lately. Each one is different and they all offer some great travel tips and advice.
Tara Lets Anywhere – Tara lets is a filipino term meaning ‘Come on’ or ‘Lets go’ and is the meaning behind the blog of Filipino couple Katherine and Hali. Armed with Amelia and Obakemono (their DSLR and Go-Pro) they travel the world.
Adventures of Fox in the Forrest – Fox is an outdoor adventure nature loving traveller with a ‘big bad bucket list’ to work through!
XtraLush – Annette is a fashion creative bitten by the travel bug, I’ve followed her for a while and really enjoy her blog, and her personality always shines through.
Tasia Travels – Tasia is from Utah and her blog is simple but beautiful. Her posts range from photo only posts which is one of the reasons I like it, and more detailed, inspirational posts.
My Own True North – Jennifer is the blogger behind the blog for My Own True North, and she blogs about life, inspiration, relationships and travel with her little dog Edie.
Travel Jewels – Jewels runs this beautiful blog and lives for authentic travels with a cheap plane ticket, her list posts are my favourite and full of great tips.
Congratulations and here are my questions for you:
- Where was your first ever trip abroad?
- Is there anywhere that you could go back to again and again and never get bored of?
- Where is the strangest place you have been?
- Where is the most luxurious place you’ve been?
- If you had to plan a day for someone visiting your home what wold you suggest?
- What is your favourite dish you’ve tried abroad?
- Where is the furthest place you’ve been from home?
- Is there anywhere you don’t want to visit?
- Where in the world is your favourite sunset?
- What is on your travel list for 2017?
Diana - MVMT Blog
28th December 2016 at 1:31 pmI loved reading your answers, Stephanie! Definitely feel like I got to know you a lot better through that. I’ll need to pick up on some of your planning tips since I’m naturally inclined to just show up in a place and figure it out! It usually works out but there have definitely been times when I’ve missed something I really would’ve loved to see because of poor planning. I don’t think I’ve had periwinkle before – where did you try that? Congrats again on the award and keep up the great job! 🙂
Liebster Award Winner! | Xtra Lush
11th January 2017 at 5:08 pm[…] off. I’m excited to share that I was given a Liebster Award by UK blogger Stephanie Fox of Newcastle & Travel. A snap happy social media marketer, Stephanie uses her blog as an outlet for her overflowing photo […]
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