Things I’m Loving This Week 23rd – 30th January 2021
Well I’m feeling quite content this weekend I have to say. I think it’s the end of January that’s done the trick as it felt such a slog getting through the month, and even though lockdown hasn’t ended yet it feels like we are a step closer. I only felt fed up one day this week when it was pouring with rain and I couldn’t get outside, but other than that it’s not been too bad.
Last Sunday was one of those gorgeous sunny winter days, so we walked the coast from Whitley bay to Tynemouth and back. We had a hot chocolate this time from Gareth James chocolatier on the corner, and took a small detour to see the fisherman’s cottages in Cullercoats.
Despite always living at the coast Cullercoats is one of those towns I always end up driving through rather than walking so I’d never seen them. They’re so cute and so was the NHS stone and pebble display opposite.
The uncertainty of travel in 2021 is really starting to bug me, as I’m desperate for all the rearranged plans from last year to go ahead this year. Hoping that the measures at the moment that are a step backwards are just there until spring and will ease from then onwards.
I’ve started my travel blogs again, which will go out on Tuesdays as I still have loads to write from past trips and as I keep saying there’s no harm in planning. I started with some tips on booking a holiday to the Lake District this week, as I know there’s a chance abroad travel won’t happen and even so, people may still prefer to keep holidays in this country.
This week marks a whole year since a lot of things. We had a trip to Armathwaite Spa in the lakes, my sister got engaged, we were in the RVI when the first cases of coronavirus arrived in the Uk, and we also picked up Arthur when he was just 8 weeks old.
It was a lot less eventful this week that’s for sure, little did we know what was coming our way. Fast forward the year and my sisters wedding will hopefully go ahead later in the year as planned, and Arthur is a crazy one year old who I couldn’t have got through the year without.
I worked out I was furloughed for 269 days and I dread to think how I’d have coped without him. Best decision we ever made.
One thing that was eventful this week was winning one of those Instagram tag competitions. I enter them all the time you know where you have to tag friends? Well I was one of Hannah’s tagged friends and we won a huge GHD bundle of products each! It was the most exciting thing to win, as I often wonder if people really do ever win when there’s thousands of entries. Can’t wait for it all to arrive.
As it was the last week in January we planned to reward the end of our healthy month with a treat day yesterday. I ordered us the most amazing breakfast box from Batch Bakery in Jesmond, which was filled with yoghurt and granola, chocolate croissants, and Danish pastries. It tied in nicely with National Croissant day.
I collected it from the shop and we had it with fresh Tynemouth coffee – both were so good. The pastries and croissants are huge we couldn’t finish them all, so have had to save some.
I was sent a Padella pasta kit from the Padella guys down in London to try for lunch, which was significantly nicer than any pasta I make – you could really taste all the different flavours. It comes all prepared fresh for you with instructions, so it only took about ten minutes to make. Take a look at the various pasta kits you can get here.
For tea last night we just had to get a Chinese. I had been looking forward to one for so so long, and after losing almost a stone I think it was deserved. I dont regret a single bite it was amazing.
I’m back to being good today, as I dont want to undo all my hard work, but I’ve bought the hairy dieters book and I’m looking forward to trying some new recipes from there during February. Allowing myself one treat or takeaway a week does keep me going though, I might go for sushi again next weekend but I’m also thinking possibly tacos.
I shared two other blogs this week, the first being a look at the White Company new collection, there are so many amazing things I really want to order but I’m waiting until we see where we will be living and what we need there first.
And I also shared some of the local businesses who are doing Valentine’s Day takeaways and treats that can be delivered to you. I loved writing that post and I’m all for making Valentine’s a bit more of a thing this year.
I have definitely watched a lot less Netflix this week, but I did finish Bling Empire – worth a binge, and Kieran and I have been watching that ‘I am a Killer’ series that looks at inmates in America on Death Row. The first episode was crazy, they’re done so you hear one side of the story first then the other one. It got very heavy last night though I had to turn it off and put old Gogglebox episodes on, as one of the stories was so awful. The first episode at least is worth a watch.
Very happy we are done with January for another year, praying that’s the worst month of the year and that things start to improve very soon. Speaking of Netflix I’m outraged they are putting their prices up. I feel like I’ve ran out of things to watch at the moment so hope the increase in price means good things are coming next month.
Have a great week!