October Round Up…
Overall, October was a month of two sides, lots of coffee’s in pretty cafes, bar openings and some Halloween fun, but also a hefty car bill, a few health issues and a serious mood shift when the clocks went back last weekend.
Early on in October I went with Amanda to the opening of The Botanist new mezzanine in Newcastle, it’s a lovely space and adds to all the different options for food, drinks and general socialising in the prettiest bar in the city. I spent most of the time stuffing my face with the bar snacks on offer, and snapping how pretty it is.
I also went to the blogger event at the newly opened Laundrette bar, a bar with the very appealing ‘cocktails and carbs’ motto and they really do deliver exactly that. It has a real atmosphere, the food is so good and the cocktails are the perfect mix of completely adorable and also very tasty (aka strong). A great spot near Central Station you really should check it out.
I’ve spent a lot of time shopping in Newcastle the past month, for reasons I will come on to, but a with a lot of shopping comes the need for caffeine, and on more than one occasion I’ve found myself at Mason & Rye in Fenwick Food Hall wolfing down a macaroon and a coffee to refuel. I’m a big fan of their bakery, but to stop myself getting carried away I’ve started to eat in before deciding if I really need to order 3 more macaroon/muffins/unicorn cupcakes to go.
While I’m on about coffee, I’ve been to a few old favourite cafes down at the coast too, Kith & Kin in Whitley Bay, great for breakfast, and Dil & The Bear in Tynemouth, who do some incredible cakes and my all time favourite, the fish finger sandwich. We’re at that time of year where let’s face it getting out of the house is going to involve food, to stay warm and cosy as winter creeps in.
Even my latest work night out centred around food rather than alcohol. We went to Allards in Tynemouth, and I’m sure I’ve said it before if you go then you can’t beat the tapas. Favourites are the halloumi and chorizo, the mac and cheese, and the seafood paella. So good. I did have one cocktail though, this ever so pretty gin, rosemary and thyme affair.
Right so coming back to why I’ve been shopping so much, basically through a stressful month at work, and the change in seasons my skin decided to go rogue. Seriously, if it wasn’t sprouting spots pretty much anywhere, it was dry and dull and really getting me down.
So, I bought an entire new skin care routine for myself, this tea tree spot stick from Boots was an absolute god send to get rid of the bastards, as well as reintroducing a decent moisturiser and a Bobbi Brown rehydrating make up base. I’ve never been one for all that carry on really, but I decided now was the time to invest and splashed out on good quality products. It’s finally done the trick.
While I was busy shopping around for all of that, I also invested in some new make up and brushes, and switched from a summer foundation to a winter one. Again, so glad I did. None of this came cheap, and I’m not at all saying that cheaper products don’t work, lucky bloody you if they do, but they really don’t for me. I need industrial force.
Over the month and across two pay days I’ve invested and it’s paid off. I feel like I could really go off in a lot of detail about all of this, but I can only tell you what’s worked for me and my skin and I can’t really see myself turning beauty blogger anytime soon. Let me know if you want more info though, a few people have tried that spot stick and have said it’s like a magic wand.
Despite just preaching about all of that, I did break my own rules at Halloween and threw a load of cheap shit on my face for the night. I’m not sure what I actually was, some ice queen skull thing, but it was fun being creative and being white blonde for the night. I found I can actually take selfies when I don’t look like myself!
The clocks going back on the same weekend really screwed up my week. I like Autumn especially how pretty it is, and I’m not one of those people who get depressed in winter, but god this past week has been an absolute trauma. It went on forever, everything irritated me, (see this post on 27 horrors in my life), I was hardly sleeping at all and I had to call the AA three times in 3 days for dead batteries and burst tyres across 2 cars.
I also had a trip to the breast clinic at the hospital on Wednesday. I wasn’t going to go into that in any sort of detail but October was Breast Cancer Awareness month and it’s important to get any little thing checked out. I’ve had an issue for years, it’s called a fibroadenoma and I’ve got two. They’re not dangerous, can be left alone and both have been fully tested plenty of times the past 8 years. I started to have trouble with one of them on Monday so made an appointment and was referred straight away for all the usual testing.
Everything was fine, but it’s always eye opening when you’re in that position sat in the waiting room with other women wondering what each of them are going through, some definitely likely to be in a lot worse position than me. Reiterating what you always hear, whether you’re male or female, whether it’s breast cancer awareness month in October, or Movember in November, if you have any concerns, worries, abnormalities, changes or anything at all worrying you, go get it checked no matter how small.
On a lighter note, I have a busy November ahead, I’m going to London soon, as well as Philadelphia and New York over thanksgiving weekend and I am so excited. Any recommendations?! Send them my way.
I’m definitely picking up the pace on the blogging front again, after I explained I had a bit of a break in August and September. I still have plenty to share from my long weekend in Florence so they’ll be coming, and I’ve got a few other things with a more festive feel coming up too. Because of all this, I recently updated my about and work with me pages. There’s often a lot of confusion when it comes to bloggers and what is paid for, what is a collaboration, and what is seen as ‘free’. I’ve put a bit more clarity in there for the things I do in case you were wondering.
Hope everyone has a lovely month and enjoy the fireworks this weekend! x