
Planning Your First Road Trip Safely

Road-tripping is the most amazing way to explore, giving you the freedom to travel as you please and the gusto to see a great many places. Even our own humble island becomes a place of potential and mystery, from ancient ruins on old coasts to thriving cities you’ve never visited before. This summer, you might be taking the initiative to tour the UK by car – but what should you bear in mind while planning such a venture?

The Route

You don’t have a road trip without a route – and setting your route in advance is key to getting the most out of your journey. Spontaneity is great, and you should expect to take yourself off the beaten path every now and then, but having a general route to work from makes things easier to organise and safer overall. Make sure to balance your planned route according to petrol stations and other amenities as well as points of interest and accommodation, lest you accidentally strand yourself on the move.

Concerning safety, having a pre-plotted route allows you to share your plans with friends and family – meaning that in the very worst-case scenario of you getting stuck or lost with no signal, it’ll be easier for them to ensure you’re found! This point carries more import when travelling internationally, but can be just as effective domestically too.

The Car

The route makes the trip, but your car is easily the most important aspect. As such, it needs to be well-maintained and trip-ready. Before you go, a general service is a good idea, but you could settle for checking the oil, fluids, battery, and tyre pressure to make sure everything’s good to go.

There’s no telling what could happen on the road though, so being prepared for breakdowns can only be a good thing. As well as carrying the right kit (more on which shortly), you should avail yourself of knowledge relating to mechanics and tyre shops along your planned route. You’ll be thankful for looking for tyre fitters in St Neots before leaving, if you find yourself flat-tyred on northbound from London!

The Essentials

Packing for your trip is exciting, and remains exciting even when you’re gathering necessary and emergency supplies. Having a small bag full of equipment and supplies in the boot at all times is a great tip for life in general, as you never know when you’ll find yourself stuck on the hard shoulder; a road trip makes it all the more likely, though. 

This bag should have some tools and equipment for handling tyre punctures and basic breakdowns, as well as reflective hazard signs for you to put before your car in lower-light conditions. On top of this, you should pack bottled water, granola bars and some charged-up charger banks for your phone. All that remains is to await your trip with bated breath!