How to Be ‘That’ Solo Sunday Girl
It is my opinion that Sundays are the best day of the week, but the Sunday Blues for all sorts of reasons can be a very real thing for some people. When a friend of mine recently became single she said to me, ‘Sundays are the hardest’, and I’m sure that regardless of relationship status, everyone’s had a case of the Sunday scaries at some point, especially if solo Sunday’s have become the norm for you.
I flipping love Sundays. They can feel like a slow, quiet pause before the chaos of Monday, and the pressure is well and truly off. For those navigating solo life, or even if you just find yourself at a loose end on a Sunday, it can bring a wave of loneliness or a sense of just waiting around for the new week and work to begin. But instead of letting Sunday feel like a filler day, it’s a time to reclaim it as one of the most powerful and fulfilling days of the week. Especially for the solo girls. A whole weekend day to yourself? Lucky you!
Being a Solo Sunday girl is all about setting yourself up for success, embracing the calm, and making the most of a day designed for you. And by that I mean all in your mindset and how you feel, not ‘success’ at work. Whether it’s life admin, self-care, or wholesome solo adventures, here’s how to turn Sundays into your personal power day.
Life Admin, But Make It Empowering
Sundays are the perfect time to press reset and get organised for the week ahead. Enjoy the organisation and productivity of it Instead of seeing it as a chore. Think of it as setting yourself up for a smooth and stress-free week. I’ve never spent a solo Sunday like this and ended it not feeling good about myself. Here’s some suggestions.
Check and update your calendar: Take a few minutes to check appointments, social plans, and deadlines so nothing catches you off guard.
Revisit your 2025 mood board: I’ve yet to finish mine. I’m taking it very seriously, but start the week with a positive mindset by reminding yourself of the goals and dreams you’re working toward, and anything you’re looking forward to.
Meal plan and stick to a shopping list: Avoid midweek stress (and unnecessary spending) by planning your meals in advance. You don’t have to make them, couldn’t think of anything worse than spending my Sunday like that, but planning them is fine.
Budget for the week ahead: A quick review of your finances can help you stay on top of spending and make space for ‘to me from me’ treats.
Do the washing, tidy up, and clean: I’m not a Sunday reset kind of girl. I prefer to do it before the weekend but I do think a quick clean up is needed. Nothing feels better than stepping into Monday with a clean space and a clear mind. Get the candle lit.
Fresh PJs & fresh bed sheets: The ultimate Sunday night luxury. There’s nothing quite like climbing into clean sheets with fresh pyjamas is there?

Self-Care Sundays: Because You Deserve It
Solo Sundays are made for self-care, and the best part? You get to do it your way with nobody to interrupt or answer to.
Pamper session: Take an extra-long everything shower or bath, do a full skincare routine, and give your hair some extra love. Get all the products out.
Read a book: Get lost in a new story, or revisit an old favorite with a cosy cup of tea. Sometimes I like reading books I’ve already read because you’re never hooked or thrown off by something. Comfort books!
Listen to a podcast: Whether it’s motivational, relaxing, or entertaining, find something that lifts your mood. Catch up on episodes you might have missed through the week.
Spa, Sea Dip, Sauna: I’m not a sea dipper but plenty people swear by it, quite like the look of the saunas on the beach though. An actual spa day would be my go to though.

Wholesome Solo Girl Vibes
Solo Sundays are a chance to be the cliche. Own it and romanticise your own company and enjoy the simple pleasures. Get the latte with the cute art, wear the matching set, go for the hot girl walk or coffee and yap. This is your chance to thrive in the art of living alone.
Get up for sunrise: I’m sure you could have guessed this would be on here I know I’m a broken records but I swear by it. There is something so feel good about being up early and watching the world wake up while enjoying a quiet moment to yourself. The sunrise makes you feel better too it’s a free, beautiful dopamine hit.
Go on a nature walk: The beach, a park, a scenic trail, spending time outdoors is a perfect Sunday reset.
Treat yourself to a bakery pastry: Because a good croissant or cinnamon bun makes everything better.
Tick something off your list: Is there somewhere you’ve been meaning to visit for ages, or something you’ve wanted to do? Decide to just do it.
Catch the sunset: End your Sunday with a golden-hour moment.

A Little Solo Sunday Social Energy
Being solo doesn’t mean isolation. Sundays are a great day to balance alone time with social moments even if they aren’t full on events. Drop a message in your girl group chats and see if anyone’s about and wants to join you on a walk, for coffee or something small. Most weekend mornings one of my friends is heading to the sea front for a smoothie, or the local pub.
Call or FaceTime a friend: A quick chat with someone you love can instantly boost your mood. Set time to reply to messages, I have to do this if they build up so I don’t feel rude.
Sit at a coffee shop: If you like a little background buzz, bring your laptop or a book and enjoy a slow coffee. I was going to say work here, but I think that might be me and realise that’s not for everyone. I love a Sunday working on my blog. I get so much done, so maybe work on your side hustle is a better choice of words.
Pop in to see family: Again it doesn’t have to be a big event, just stop by for coffee, pay a visit to a sibling, go for a walk with a niece or nephew. Enjoy being able to leave when it suits you.

Fuel Your Body & Mind
Nourishing and treating yourself on a Sunday isn’t just about food, it’s about feeding your body, mind, and soul.
Have a feel-good breakfast: Take the time to cook something you love rather than rushing through a quick meal, or head out to your favourite spot. Here’s some food inspiration along the North Tyneside Coast – specifically good for solo dates and some tips for dining out alone if you’re new to it.
Try a new recipe: Sundays are the perfect time to experiment in the kitchen without pressure. And if you bake your kitchen will smell unreal.
Hydrate & reset: A simple but effective way to start the new week feeling your best. Drink your water.

Mindful Movement & Relaxation
Your body deserves some love too, and movement can be the perfect way to shift energy.
I say this but I’m no gym go-er so it doesn’t have to be anything extreme.
Be active (even just slightly): Stretch or do some yoga, do one of those tik tok workouts. Get your steps in, even if it’s on a walking pad – I’ve dusted mine off again.
Solo adventure to somewhere new: Explore a different part of your city or try a scenic route you’ve never walked before.
Put on music: For everything – cooking, cleaning etc.
End your Solo Sunday on a High
A solo Sunday night routine sets the tone for the entire week. Watch a feel-good movie or series, allow yourself time to scroll if you enjoy it. I’ve started finding new people I love to follow and then binge a chunk of their videos for a set amount of time. I think it’s much healthier consuming social media this way than excessive pointless screen time that adds no value.
Wind down early: No doom-scrolling before bed! Put your phone away and give yourself a proper wind-down routine. Even I do this, and I’m chronically online. I rarely reply to anyone after 8:30pm. My new kindle is really helping with that.
Set an intention for the week: What do you want to do more of this week, what small thing can you do to make your days better or easier? In lockdown I found a habit tracker ideal for sticking to new habits. I talked about it a bit in my blog post on bullet journals and it clearly worked because I still use the bullet journal method to this day.

Reclaim Your Solo Sundays & Start the Week Strong
Hopefully this will help you take your Sunday’s back! They don’t have to feel lonely, slow, or overwhelming. Instead, they can be the perfect blend of productivity, relaxation, and self-love. Whether you spend the day getting organised, treating yourself to little moments of joy, or embracing solo adventures, Sundays can become a day you truly look forward to. It’s all in your mindset so here’s to romanticising your Sundays, making them your own, and stepping into the new week feeling refreshed, empowered, and ready to shine.
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