Things I’m Loving This Week 14th – 20th February
Valentine’s Day feels like a lifetime ago never mind just 7 days, as I’ve had a bit of a crazy week. Productive, but but crazy. All will become clear over the coming week or so, but I feel a bit more positive now the weathers getting warmer, changes are coming and hopefully Boris shines a light on how 2021 is going to look. Even if it’s slow at least we will know where we stand (or is that wishful thinking..? Here’s what I’ve been loving this week.
I really enjoyed Valentine’s Day last weekend, we had a lovely day, enjoyed some good food and like many others made the most of an opportunity to make the weekend a bit different. We had our dine in for two on the Saturday night, but on Sunday we made a big Sunday roast and watched all the football.
Tuesday was Pancake Day which I always enjoy, again another excuse for something a bit different to the same boring meals, I am so fed up of cooking. We went all out with loads of toppings throughout the evening. Even Arthur joined in and enjoyed it.
Walks, walks and more walks. It really is getting dull isn’t it? I’ve set myself a goal of 5 miles every day and it’s only because I’m competitive with myself that I’m sticking to it, I’m mainly beyond bored.
So I decided to give myself a challenge and I’ve signed myself up for the Alzheimer’s memory walk in March. Both my nanas have suffered and passed away due to Alzheimer’s, most recently my nana Jessie just before Christmas. It’s absolutely crap that people aren’t getting the funerals they would have had if it wasn’t for Covid, so I thought I’d put all my walking to good use and sign up for it.
Im no runner so I never do anything that deserves sponsorship, but I did want to do something for the charity so I have created a Just Giving page for anyone who wishes to donate to the Alzheimers Society. You can find it here if it’s something you feel strongly about. I know times are hard so I’m not going to be promoting it too much, but every little bit does help to an amazing charity that helps so many.
I finally finished all of Downton Abbey, and I did enjoy it but there’s no way I would have stuck to it when it was on weekly. The episodes are so long! Once I finished that we reverted back to Netflix to see if anything good has come on recently. We’ve watched Cecil Hotel – absolutely mental, and are currently watching Fear City about New York drug lords back in the day, which we are really enjoying.
I saw the trailer for ‘Cruella’ with Emma Stone this week and it made me so excited to get back to normal life, where we can just go to the cinema as normal. It looks really good I love the real life Disney features – if you haven’t seen it yet here it is.
At the end of the week I got some good news, which I can’t share just yet which is really annoying I hate it when people say that, but I will probably be able to next week. So I came into the weekend feeling pretty good and we’ve had a very food fuelled couple of days.
Allards on Friday night, and then the most amazing lunch yesterday with some products I got from the French Quarter, followed by Acropolis Greek food for tea as they were in the estate with a pop up food truck. As we walked to get it we noticed how much warmer it feels (I say warm, I mean above freezing), and how much lighter the nights are getting.
I think I’ll share a separate post on the French Quarter as it was so good, which should hopefully be out this week. The only other blog I got out this week was one on the 5.2 diet that I’ve been doing and how I’ve lost a stone. As you can probably tell this diet really works for me as I can still enjoy eating out or restaurant food. Have a read here if you’re interested.
I really hope the signs of spring are also signs that good things are coming soon, and we haven’t got much left of lockdown to endure. Get me back in restaurants, pubs and shops asap.
Have a great week!
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