Things I’m Loving This Week 27th Sept – 3rd October
I’ve had quite a busy week, yet spent a lot of it by myself, mainly due to my three day solo trip to the Scottish Borders at the start of the week. It was hard work but it was good to be somewhere new that I’ve never visited before, especially somewhere so easily accessible. Here’s what I’ve been loving this week.

So I’ll start with Scotland because it really was a great trip. I had a busy itinerary and feel like I got to see such a wide range of places. It was a paid press trip with Scotland Starts here so you might have seen [ad] across the content, but as always everything I share is my own opinion.
I have lots to share on it still, but some of the highlights for me were the sunset alpaca walk at Brierhope Farm, the hotels I stayed in, Abbotsford House, and the Secret Herb Garden. All experiences that I thoroughly enjoyed and would visit again.

One of the best products I’ve used this week especially on the Scotland trip was my Everywhere.MSK. A friend I went to uni with is one of the creators, and it’s basically a key ring face mask so you never forget your mask again.
How many times have you nipped to the shops, or the petrol station and forgot your mask? So annoying! These clip on to your keys and fold up so small that you barely notice them. A great concept in my opinion. If you fancy one yourself you can get a 10% discount when purchasing off their website with code STEPH10.

Speaking of people running their own businesses, this week I have really noticed how many women are out there doing their own thing, pushing themselves or in general controlling their own narrative. Times are so hard for all of us, and I just think it’s great to see people doing what they love and taking control of their own lives.
Just some examples, Victoria Beckham. I’ve been a fan of her make up range since she launched the eye bricks last year, I think the products are gorgeous and this week she has launched the ‘Posh’ lipsticks. All very good you might be thinking, for a multi millionaire however if you have a read of why she named them Posh, and the history behind the nickname she was given it’s actually really interesting. Posh she might be, but stupid she is not. I thought the concept was great.
Secondly there are a couple of travel bloggers who have announced theyre branching away from travel blogging. It might at first seem like this is hardly surprising due to the current travel climate, but if you’ve been following either The Travel Hack or Twins That Travel for a while as I have, you’ll know this isn’t a decision they’ve taken lightly or even just this year due to COVID.
Finally, Geordie Scran on Instagram shared some very interesting insights on her instagram story this week, after she was actually reported to the police for allegedly not social distancing. She was of course following all the rules, and anyone who works in social media knows that content can be scheduled, often weeks ahead of its go live date.
I think it’s more important than ever to remember what you see on instagram isn’t always the reality of the here and now. She explained it really well considering it can’t have been easy to have to deal with, and I’m pleased to see it hasn’t dampened her Geordie food sharing momentum.
In a week where once I returned from Scotland, I felt like I’ve had very little control over my own situation, it’s been refreshing to see others take control of theirs and speak out about it.
I took advantage of the lovely sunshine on Wednesday and took Arthur along to Jesmond Dene for a walk. I expected it to be a lot quieter than it was. Let’s just say I’m not surprised at all how many students came out to be positive from Northumbria the day after.
Thankfully the paths were quiet, I made sure to avoid the big picnic area and we had a lovely walk along the stream to the waterfall and back. I think the kids must have been out because there were loads of conker shells but hardly any conkers. I put them on the windowsills to keep the spiders away.

I’ve put this handy tip on my Autumn things to do blog post this week. There’s over 50 suggestions of things to do in October and November, all doable with the current restrictions and guidelines for within your households.
While we were out we called into Pets at Home, where I got Arthur’s Halloween costume. It is absolutely hilarious, I wont share yet but I’m sure you can guess. His little face in the hat is priceless.
This weekend has been pretty chilled so far which has actually been quite nice after a busy September. We had a bottle of red and a Chinese takeaway on Friday night, which I always enjoy so much more when its not a hungover tea. We’ve been rewatching Line of Duty as well so it’s been nice to be sat on our own sofa again.
I actually have very few plans this month, partly needed to save a bit before Christmas, but also due to all the restrictions. I’m not sure how long I’ll last with a clear diary, as I really need things to look forward to.
Hope you have a great Sunday however youre spending it, and coming week.