My Top Nine Instagram Photos of 2020
Over the next few days I’m sure we will see the Instagram top nine return, which shows you your top nine photos shared from the past year. Personally I think the tool is a bit dated, as it only shows top nine in terms of likes, which doesn’t factor in any of the other metrics that are actually more accurate and insightful when it comes to how well a post has performed. But that’s my social media manager head talking, and for most people likes will still be what they look at.

I totally ignore mine and create my own, as to me the top nine photos I shared are never my favourite nine. Back in 2018 I shared a similar blog discussing this, as my photos just didn’t reflect the year I’d had so I made a resolution to change that. I definitely now share more personal, every day photos that reflect my actual life, moving away from the very travel focused content I previously shared.
I made that resolution to myself long before Covid, and I suppose I definitely got what I wished for with not much else to share this year! I’ve enjoyed the challenge of adapting to life at home during lockdowns, sharing more Uk travel, and the virtual travel through the summer to keep that alive.
Here’s my top nine Instagram photos from 2020, that I’ve put together without using that silly tool.
Arthur 31st January
This was actually my most liked post of the whole year, a pic of Arthur at 8 weeks old just a few days after we brought him home. Butter wouldn’t melt with that look on his face chewing on his heart shaped rope, little did we know what a handful he would be.
He’s the best thing that happened to me in 2020, Ive spent all but 5 days with him and couldn’t have got through the year without him. 2020 was a great year to get a dog.
Ashton Lane, Glasgow 8th March
I went on a press trip to Glasgow just two weeks before Coronavirus really caused a problem in the Uk and we were locked down. I’d never been before and we had such a good weekend. This photo of Ashton Lane was taken on that trip.
Thank you NHS 21st May
This isn’t my favourite photo or the best one at all this year, but it reminds me of a significant part of the year. After the big lockdown we were finally able to go out further afield for walks, and we spent nearly every evening on the beach. The weather in May was incredible, the sea was so clear, Arthur loved it and it was just so nice to be by the coast and enjoy it for a couple of hours every night.
The Thursday clap for care workers was such a mood lifter for the week as well.
Kierans 30th 21st June
My favourite day of the year was Kieran’s 30th birthday, and it seems quite strange looking back that we were allowed to meet other households in gardens at that point. We spent the day in Kieran’s mums garden in the sun and had a lot to drink.
It wasn’t the trip to Palma and party in Newcastle we had planned, but it was such a good weekend.
Sam Fender Socially Distanced Gig 14th August
The closest I felt to normality all year I think, was the Sam Fender performance at the Virgin Arena. It wasn’t normal by any means, to be on a viewing platform in a field nowhere near anybody else, but it was the only live music we got this year and I loved it. I’d wanted to see him for ages as well.
Meeting in a bar for a few drinks before going to a live music performance just seems so far away right now.
Mirefoot Cottages 5th September
This one is my most saved post of the year, and it’s of the cottage we stayed at in the Lake District in September. I looked forward to that trip for the whole of 2020 as we booked it long before Covid when we just got Arthur, so we could take him on holiday with us. I scoured the internet for days for somewhere luxury that would take dogs and found this place.
When I shared a tour on my Instagram story when we arrived I have never, ever had so many messages and texts off people wanting to know where it was, so I shared this post. It was the best escape for the week, with a private pool and spa too.
Read my experience of Mirefoot cottages here.
Schloss Roxburghe 30th September
Another press trip, I did a mini tour of the Scottish Borders at the end of September and Schloss Roxburghe was one of the hotels I stayed in. It was an absolutely beautiful hotel, I loved it so much and the food was fabulous.
I’ve actually been trying to book to go again with Kieran, but then more lockdowns and tiers happened so we haven’t made it yet.
Pumpkin Picking 20th October
Having never been pumpkin picking before I was very excited to go for the first time to Brockbushes Farm just outside of Corbridge. It was such a fun day and these are some of the photos I got.
I actually shared these two pics on my private Instagram but they’re my favourites from the day with Hannah (The Wedding Taylor) and Aurora.
Christmas Eve 24th December
I did Blogmas this year so I’ve shared a lot of Christmas content, and this photo was the last one of all those blog posts on Christmas Eve. We would usually go out for a few drinks but instead we were at home, cosy with Arthur and Home Alone 2.
I was actually quite proud of myself for managing to get a blog post a day out through December, it was hard work.
So those are my top nine Instagram photos, not by number of likes just my favourite moments of the past year.
If you want to see your top nine here’s a link to the tool you can use, but I’d very much recommend having a scroll back and picking your own. I bet there’s more than you think considering the year we’ve had.
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